An extensive offer of Busko-Zdroj and the region, Ponidzie provides lovers of active leisure, an unforgettable impression. Cycling, horse riding, kayaking, paragliding, pools, natural.

Tourists who appreciate the quieter forms of recreation will not be disappointed. The wealth of natural and cultural goods awaits them. People who like contact with nature, can take a walk in the woods in a natural setting on the hiking trails picking mushrooms, fishing on the banks of the Nida River, and learning about herbs is the legendary Ponidzie meadows. The Spa Park will provide respite, where in the summer there are numerous concerts and cultural events. We also recommend the beautiful "Garden at the crossroads", located in Mlodzawy Male.swimming pools, and nordic walking, are just a few suggestions for fans to experience the world in motion. The hotel showcases a bowling alley, mini-golf course and a tennis court. Here everyone can find something for themselves, some that they never would have imagined.

Attractions All categories For Kids Sport Free time in the hotel Świętokrzyskie charms Ponidzie - Your place of rest Attractions up to 100 km away

Zaręczyny w Hotelu Słoneczny Zdrój

Zaręczyny w Hotelu Słoneczny Zdrój

Zaręczyny w Hotelu Słoneczny Zdrój – magiczny początek wspólnej drogi Marzysz o zaręczynach, ale brakuje Ci pomysłu, jak i gdzie to zrobić? Hotel Słoneczny Z...
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Podróż poślubna do Hotelu Słoneczny Zdrój

Podróż poślubna do Hotelu Słoneczny Zdrój

Romantyczny początek wspólnego życia Podróż poślubna to niepowtarzalny moment we wspólnym życiu partnerskim, który warto spędzić w wyjątkowy spos&oac...
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Hiking, Nordic walking and cycling trails

Hiking, Nordic walking and cycling trails

Wycieczkom pieszym, nordic walking i rowerowym służy gęsta sieć szlaków turystycznych w okolicy Hotelu. O ich atrakcyjności stanowią bogate zespoły przyrodnicze – wsze...
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Tężnia Solankowa Busko-Zdrój

Tężnia Solankowa Busko-Zdrój

Tężnia solankowa  (Busko Zdrój) In the southern part of Busko-Zdrój, in the new spa park, one of the largest and most modern brine graduation towers in Po...
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Spływy kajakowe po malowniczej rzece Nida

Spływy kajakowe po malowniczej rzece Nida

Miłośnicy sportów wodnych także znajdą wystarczająco dużo powodów, aby przyjechać do Hotelu Słoneczny Zdrój Medical Spa & Wellness. Mowa nie tylko o hote...
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Winnica Zbrodzice

Winnica Zbrodzice

Zapraszamy do Winnicy Zbrodzice, która zaczaruje Państwa swoim klimatem i pozwoli odetchnąć. Winnica Zbrodzice rozpoczęła działalność w 2004 roku, jako pierwsi w Polsce. ...
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Olejarnia Zagłoby

Olejarnia Zagłoby

Olejarnia Zagoby is a family manufactory located in the spa commune of Busko-Zdrój. The oil pressing process that took place in the Polish countryside 150 year...
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Busko Zdrój

Busko Zdrój

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Park Liniowy "Małpi Gaj"

Park Liniowy "Małpi Gaj"

Park linowy „Małpi Gaj” ul. Rokosza Adrenalina, wysiłek i dobra zabawa na podniebnych trasach? To wszystko ma do zaoferowania buski Park Linowy zlokalizowany na tere...
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Park Zdrojowy

Park Zdrojowy

Park zdrojowy - park został założony w XIX w. przez ogrodnika Ignacego Hanusza.Obejmuje 3 części: ogród łazienkowski, zwany też parkiem zdrojowym. Na pow. 16 ha rośnie około...
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Dziecięca Kraina Quadów

Dziecięca Kraina Quadów

Dziecięca Kraina Quadów to nie tylko przepiękny teren w miejscowości Kameduły pełen atrakcji dla najmłodszych. Główną atrakcją w naszej Krainie jest profesjon...
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Ponidzie Restaurant

Ponidzie Restaurant

Filled with a positive dose of energy, but probably also very hungry, we invite you to delicious and hearty meals served in the Ponidzie Restaurant. The local dishes will satisfy e...
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Attractions for children

Attractions for children

Knowing how lucky children are, we do everything to make them feel good in Słoneczne Zdrój. That is why we have prepared a lot of attractions for the youngest  ...
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Active recreation in Ponidzie

Active recreation in Ponidzie

Hiking, Nordic Walking and Cycling Hiking, Nordic walking and cycling trips are served by a dense network of hiking trails in the vicinity of the Hotel. Their attractiveness is ...
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Facilities for children

Facilities for children

Amenities in the hotel room, Children of all ages can stay in the same room with their parents. Playground in the garden of Słoneczny Zdrój.     Amen...
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Outdoor gym

Outdoor gym

The outdoor gym located in the garden is equipped with:       cross trainer,     taxidermist,     p...
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Boule and bowling

Boule and bowling

We highly recommend the boules field and the bowling alley. Apart from the bowling alley, the Kalejdoskop Club also has a billiards table.
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The Kaleidoscope Club

The Kaleidoscope Club

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Aqua Aerobic and Fitness.

Aqua Aerobic and Fitness.

In your free time, you can also play billiards or burn some unnecessary calories during aqua aerobics and fitness classes.
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Public reading area

Public reading area

For people who value contact with a good book, we have prepared a public reading room.
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Especially in spring and early autumn, we encourage you to indulge in book pleasures and walks in our fragrant and colorful garden. Both the garden and the sun terrace are ideal pl...
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Kinder party

Kinder party

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Krakow - 90 km from the hotel

Krakow - 90 km from the hotel

Krakow - 90 km from the hotel It is one of the oldest Polish cities with over a thousand years of history, with many valuable architectural buildings. There are also many instit...
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  Świętokrzyskie is an open "Book of the Earth", the individual chapters of which we read while wandering through the region. Kielce (a city of five nature re...
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Sandomierz - 95 km from the hotel

Sandomierz - 95 km from the hotel

The city is located on seven hills by the Vistula River at the junction of two geographical regions: the Kielecko-Sandomierz Upland and the Sandomierz Basin, 85 km from Kielce and ...
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Wieliczka Salt Mine - 100 km from the hotel

Wieliczka Salt Mine - 100 km from the hotel

Wieliczka Salt Mine - 100 km from the hotel
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Ojców and Ojców National Park - 90 km from the hotel

Ojców and Ojców National Park - 90 km from the hotel

  Ojców and Ojców National Park - 90 km from the hotel
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Ponidzie, your place of rest

Ponidzie, your place of rest

  Ponidzie, your place of rest
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Fishing on the Ponidzie

Fishing on the Ponidzie

  Radzanów Water Reservoir (about 6 km from the hotel) In the village of Radzanów, 4 km from Busko-Zdrój, there is a retention reservoir with an are...
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Pińczów - 13 km from the hotel. The city has always been located at the intersection of contrasts. Separated from the south by the Nida River and from the north by the Pińcz...
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Wiślica is 16 km away. Basilica of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Collegiate Basilica of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wiślica - a Gothic church erected...
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Jędrzejów is 35 km away. Clock Museum Przypkowski State Museum of Przypkowskich in Jędrzejów (often known as the Przypkowski Museum or the Przypkowski Gnomonic ...
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Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn is 23 km away. Dlugosz House The building of the former Academy from the 16th century, with preserved barrel vaults in the ground floor and basement. Ac...
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Chmielnik is 18 km away.   The Enchanted Garden in Śladkowo Małe A unique roadside exhibition. The colorfully decorated carved figures attract attention. A place crea...
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Chroberz - 13 km from the hotel Wielopolski Palace / Center of Cultural Heritage and Agricultural Tradition of Ponidzie In 1859, the construction of the present palace was co...
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The stay in Sloneczny Zdroj Hotel Medical Spa & Wellness provides an excellent opportunity to discover interesting places and attractions at Ponidzie and Busko-Zdroj. Caring for the convenience and all other matters of our guests is related to the organization of excursions and recreation which we entrust to our hotel staff.

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