Knowing how lucky children are, we do everything to make them feel good in Słoneczne Zdrój.
That is why we have prepared a lot of attractions for the youngest
- a playground located outside will allow children eager for movement to have fun,
- Kids Corner in the interiors of the Hotel with play tables and prepared paintings will please every little artist,
- a reading room with a selection of fairy tales and stories for the youngest is an option for little intellectuals who love to read and learn new interesting stories,
- the bowling alley, which is a challenge not only for children, but also for their guardians, is also a great opportunity to train motor coordination together,
- swimming pool.
In addition, a stay with children in Słoneczny Zdrój can be developed by taking advantage of local attractions created for the youngest:
- European Fairy Tale Center them. Koziołek Matołek in Pacanów,
- Ciuchca Express Ponidzie running between Pińczów and Jędrzejów.